Inte­res­ted in harp lessons?

” … Music beg­ins, whe­re words are power­less to express. Music is made for the inex­pres­si­ble … “
(Clau­de Debussy)

After suc­cessful and exten­si­ve tea­ching as a per­ma­nent harp tea­cher and Head of Plu­cked Instru­ments depart­ment in the Lake Con­s­tance regi­on (Fried­richs­ha­fen City Music School, Bre­gen­zer­wald Music School / AT and others), I am now offe­ring harp les­sons in Osna­brück, in addi­ti­on to my work as a har­pist at the Thea­ter Osnabrück.

My les­sons are desi­gned for child­ren and adults of all ages, whe­ther beg­in­ners or advan­ced musi­ci­ans. Start­ing with the first playful steps up to the pre­pa­ra­ti­on for stu­dies, I accom­pa­ny and sup­port each stu­dent indi­vi­du­al­ly accor­ding to their wis­hes, talents and objec­ti­ves on the instrument.

In addi­ti­on to lear­ning a per­fect play­ing tech­ni­que, inde­pen­dent and cor­rect prac­ti­cing, the les­sons on the lever harp or the con­cert harp also include the impar­ting of know­ledge in music theo­ry and aural trai­ning as well as the pro­mo­ti­on of cham­ber music pro­jects with a wide varie­ty of ensem­bles. If desi­red, I am hap­py to sup­port my stu­dents in the inten­si­ve pre­pa­ra­ti­on of com­pe­ti­ti­ons or audi­tions with youth orchestras at a sta­te or fede­ral stan­dard. Fur­ther­mo­re, I also offer per­for­mance coa­ching for a con­fi­dent appearance on stage and advi­se my stu­dents in their search for a sui­ta­ble instru­ment or ren­tal instrument.

If you are curious, I am loo­king for­ward to hea­ring from you!

Inte­res­ted in harp lessons?

” … Music beg­ins, whe­re words are power­less to express. Music is made for the inex­pres­si­ble … “
(Clau­de Debussy)

After suc­cessful and exten­si­ve tea­ching as a per­ma­nent harp tea­cher and Head of Plu­cked Instru­ments depart­ment in the Lake Con­s­tance regi­on (Fried­richs­ha­fen City Music School, Bre­gen­zer­wald Music School / AT and others), I am now offe­ring harp les­sons in Osna­brück, in addi­ti­on to my work as a har­pist at the Thea­ter Osnabrück.

My les­sons are desi­gned for child­ren and adults of all ages, whe­ther beg­in­ners or advan­ced musi­ci­ans. Start­ing with the first playful steps up to the pre­pa­ra­ti­on for stu­dies, I accom­pa­ny and sup­port each stu­dent indi­vi­du­al­ly accor­ding to their wis­hes, talents and objec­ti­ves on the instrument.

In addi­ti­on to lear­ning a per­fect play­ing tech­ni­que, inde­pen­dent and cor­rect prac­ti­cing, the les­sons on the lever harp or the con­cert harp also include the impar­ting of know­ledge in music theo­ry and aural trai­ning as well as the pro­mo­ti­on of cham­ber music pro­jects with a wide varie­ty of ensem­bles. If desi­red, I am hap­py to sup­port my stu­dents in the inten­si­ve pre­pa­ra­ti­on of com­pe­ti­ti­ons or audi­tions with youth orchestras at a sta­te or fede­ral stan­dard. Fur­ther­mo­re, I also offer per­for­mance coa­ching for a con­fi­dent appearance on stage and advi­se my stu­dents in their search for a sui­ta­ble instru­ment or ren­tal instrument.

If you are curious, I am loo­king for­ward to hea­ring from you!