A life full of music

About Jen­ni­fer

“My enthu­si­asm and pas­si­on for working in an orches­tra began in my child­hood and youth. As a stu­dent of the Bay­reuth Mark­grä­fin Wil­hel­mi­ne Gym­na­si­um, I visi­ted the Bay­reuth Fes­ti­val seve­ral times and later, as a stu­dent at the Saxon Sta­te High School for Music in Dres­den, I expe­ri­en­ced the rehear­sals and per­for­man­ces of, among others, the “Ring des Nibe­lun­gen” under Fabio Lui­si and the Staats­ka­pel­le Dresden.”

Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann has won num­e­rous natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons. In May 2020, she won First Pri­ze at the “Con­cours inter­na­tio­nal de musi­que et des beaux-arts” in Que­bec (Cana­da). In 2019, she was award­ed First Pri­ze at the “4th North Inter­na­tio­nal Music Com­pe­ti­ti­on” in Stock­holm and First Pri­ze at the “Vien­na Inter­na­tio­nal Music Com­pe­ti­ti­on Grand Pri­ze Vir­tuo­so” in con­nec­tion with a win­ners’ con­cert at the Musik­ver­ein in Vien­na. In addi­ti­on, Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann was a scho­lar­ship hol­der of the Hes­si­sche Kul­tur­stif­tung in 2020 and 2021 and a scho­lar­ship hol­der of the Deut­sche Musik­rat in 2022.

Very ear­ly on, sin­ce the begin­ning of her stu­dies, the young har­pist has been hired as an assistant by various orchestras. For exam­p­le, she has play­ed with the Radio-Sin­fo­nie­or­ches­ter Stutt­gart des SWR, Gür­ze­nich-Orches­ter Köln, Deut­sche Staats­phil­har­mo­nie Rhein­land-Pfalz, Staats­thea­ter Stutt­gart, Süd­west­deut­sche Phil­har­mo­nie Kon­stanz, Thea­ter Pforz­heim, Trier, Müns­ter and Gie­ßen under con­duc­tors such as Andrey Borey­ko, Will Hum­burg, Mar­kus Huber, Fran­çois-Xavier Roth or Sir Roger Nor­ring­ton. Fur­ther­mo­re, Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann has taken part in CD pro­duc­tions with SWR and BR, play­ed live on ARD, BBC, SWR, NDR, BR, Deutsch­land­funk and the MDR Figa­ro, among others, and has appeared as a soloist and with various ensem­bles at fes­ti­vals such as the Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern Fes­ti­val, “Brü­cken-Fes­ti­val” for con­tem­po­ra­ry music, Donau­eschin­ger Musik­ta­ge or the BBC Proms in the Roy­al Albert Hall in London.

As a soloist, Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann has been invi­ted by orchestras such as the Süd­deut­sche Kam­mer­sin­fo­nie Bie­tig­heim, Arca­ta Cham­ber Orches­tra Stutt­gart, Mar­tins­kol­le­gi­um Pful­lin­gen, Ber­lin-Wei­ßen­see Cham­ber Orches­tra or the Polish Cham­ber Phil­har­mo­nic Sopot for per­for­man­ces of, among others, the harp con­cer­to by G.F. Hän­del, Dan­ses by C. Debus­sy or the Dou­ble Con­cer­to for Harp and Flu­te by W.A. Mozart, most recent­ly tog­e­ther with flau­tist Gaby Pas-Van Riet. In addi­ti­on to per­forming num­e­rous other solo reci­tals and con­certs in a wide varie­ty of cham­ber music ensem­bles at home and abroad, the ver­sa­ti­le musi­ci­an is also enthu­si­a­stic about cross-gen­re pro­jects. For exam­p­le, in 2016 she per­for­med tog­e­ther with the Irish pop sin­ger Enya at the ECHO awards cerem­o­ny in Berlin.

Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann stu­di­ed harp with Mari­on Hof­mann at the Hoch­schu­le für Musik und Thea­ter in Ros­tock, then swit­ched to Renie Yama­hata at the Staat­li­che Hoch­schu­le für Musik in Tros­sin­gen and recei­ved her diplo­ma with top marks in 2015. In her sub­se­quent master’s stu­dies with Jana Bouš­ko­vá at the Kon­in­kli­jk Con­ser­va­to­ri­um in Brussels as well as in inter­na­tio­nal mas­ter­clas­ses, among others, with Fran­çoi­se Ver­her­ve, Hel­ga Storck, Isa­bel­le Per­rin, Isa­bel­le Moret­ti and Eri­ka Waar­den­burg she recei­ved fur­ther important artis­tic impulses.

Sin­ce Octo­ber 2022 Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann is prin­ci­pal har­pist at Thea­ter Osnabrück.

A life full of music

About Jen­ni­fer

“My enthu­si­asm and pas­si­on for working in an orches­tra began in my child­hood and youth. As a stu­dent of the Bay­reuth Mark­grä­fin Wil­hel­mi­ne Gym­na­si­um, I visi­ted the Bay­reuth Fes­ti­val seve­ral times and later, as a stu­dent at the Saxon Sta­te High School for Music in Dres­den, I expe­ri­en­ced the rehear­sals and per­for­man­ces of, among others, the “Ring des Nibe­lun­gen” under Fabio Lui­si and the Staats­ka­pel­le Dresden.”

Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann has won num­e­rous natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons. In May 2020, she won First Pri­ze at the “Con­cours inter­na­tio­nal de musi­que et des beaux-arts” in Que­bec (Cana­da). In 2019, she was award­ed First Pri­ze at the “4th North Inter­na­tio­nal Music Com­pe­ti­ti­on” in Stock­holm and First Pri­ze at the “Vien­na Inter­na­tio­nal Music Com­pe­ti­ti­on Grand Pri­ze Vir­tuo­so” in con­nec­tion with a win­ners’ con­cert at the Musik­ver­ein in Vien­na. In addi­ti­on, Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann was a scho­lar­ship hol­der of the Hes­si­sche Kul­tur­stif­tung in 2020 and 2021 and a scho­lar­ship hol­der of the Deut­sche Musik­rat in 2022.

Very ear­ly on, sin­ce the begin­ning of her stu­dies, the young har­pist has been hired as an assistant by various orchestras. For exam­p­le, she has play­ed with the Radio-Sin­fo­nie­or­ches­ter Stutt­gart des SWR, Gür­ze­nich-Orches­ter Köln, Deut­sche Staats­phil­har­mo­nie Rhein­land-Pfalz, Staats­thea­ter Stutt­gart, Süd­west­deut­sche Phil­har­mo­nie Kon­stanz, Thea­ter Pforz­heim, Trier, Müns­ter and Gie­ßen under con­duc­tors such as Andrey Borey­ko, Will Hum­burg, Mar­kus Huber, Fran­çois-Xavier Roth or Sir Roger Nor­ring­ton. Fur­ther­mo­re, Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann has taken part in CD pro­duc­tions with SWR and BR, play­ed live on ARD, BBC, SWR, NDR, BR, Deutsch­land­funk and the MDR Figa­ro, among others, and has appeared as a soloist and with various ensem­bles at fes­ti­vals such as the Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern Fes­ti­val, “Brü­cken-Fes­ti­val” for con­tem­po­ra­ry music, Donau­eschin­ger Musik­ta­ge or the BBC Proms in the Roy­al Albert Hall in London.

As a soloist, Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann has been invi­ted by orchestras such as the Süd­deut­sche Kam­mer­sin­fo­nie Bie­tig­heim, Arca­ta Cham­ber Orches­tra Stutt­gart, Mar­tins­kol­le­gi­um Pful­lin­gen, Ber­lin-Wei­ßen­see Cham­ber Orches­tra or the Polish Cham­ber Phil­har­mo­nic Sopot for per­for­man­ces of, among others, the harp con­cer­to by G.F. Hän­del, Dan­ses by C. Debus­sy or the Dou­ble Con­cer­to for Harp and Flu­te by W.A. Mozart, most recent­ly tog­e­ther with flau­tist Gaby Pas-Van Riet. In addi­ti­on to per­forming num­e­rous other solo reci­tals and con­certs in a wide varie­ty of cham­ber music ensem­bles at home and abroad, the ver­sa­ti­le musi­ci­an is also enthu­si­a­stic about cross-gen­re pro­jects. For exam­p­le, in 2016 she per­for­med tog­e­ther with the Irish pop sin­ger Enya at the ECHO awards cerem­o­ny in Berlin.

Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann stu­di­ed harp with Mari­on Hof­mann at the Hoch­schu­le für Musik und Thea­ter in Ros­tock, then swit­ched to Renie Yama­hata at the Staat­li­che Hoch­schu­le für Musik in Tros­sin­gen and recei­ved her diplo­ma with top marks in 2015. In her sub­se­quent master’s stu­dies with Jana Bouš­ko­vá at the Kon­in­kli­jk Con­ser­va­to­ri­um in Brussels as well as in inter­na­tio­nal mas­ter­clas­ses, among others, with Fran­çoi­se Ver­her­ve, Hel­ga Storck, Isa­bel­le Per­rin, Isa­bel­le Moret­ti and Eri­ka Waar­den­burg she recei­ved fur­ther important artis­tic impulses.

Sin­ce Octo­ber 2022 Jen­ni­fer Neu­mann is prin­ci­pal har­pist at Thea­ter Osnabrück.